/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /** @module montage/ui/controller/media-controller @requires montage/core/core @requires montage/ui/component @requires core/logger */ var Montage = require("montage").Montage; var Component = require("ui/component").Component; var logger = require("core/logger").logger("mediacontroller"); /** @class module:montage/ui/controller/media-controller.MediaController @classdesc Controls an audio/video media player. @extends module:montage/core/core.Montage */ var MediaController = exports.MediaController = Montage.create(Montage, /** @lends module:montage/ui/controller/media-controller.MediaController# */ { /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Constants -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Description TODO @type {Property} @default {Number} 0 */ STOPPED: { enumerable: true, value: 0, writable: false }, /** Description TODO @type {Property} @default {Number} 1 */ PLAYING: { enumerable: true, value: 1, writable: false }, /** Description TODO @type {Property} @default {Number} 2 */ PAUSED: { enumerable: true, value: 2, writable: false }, /** Description TODO @type {Property} @default {Number} 3 */ EMPTY: { enumerable: true, value: 3, writable: false }, /** Description TODO @private */ _TIMEUPDATE_FREQUENCY: { value: 0.25 }, // Don't refresh too often. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Properties -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Description TODO @private */ _mediaElement: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} @default null */ mediaElement: { get : function() { return this._mediaElement; }, set : function(elem) { this._mediaElement = elem; }, enumerable: false }, /** Description TODO @private */ _mediaSrc: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} @default null */ mediaSrc: { get: function() { return this._mediaSrc; }, set: function(mediaSrc) { this._mediaSrc = mediaSrc; } }, /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Status & Attributes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Description TODO @private */ _status: { enumerable: false, value: 3 }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} @default {Number} 3 */ status: { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._status; }, set: function(status) { if (status !== this._status) { this._status = status; this._dispatchStateChangeEvent(); } } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _position: { value:null, enumerable:false }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} @default null */ position: { set: function(time, shouldNotUpdate) { this._position = time; if (!shouldNotUpdate) { this.currentTime = time; } }, get: function() { return this._position; } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _duration: { value: null, enumerable:false }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} @default null */ duration: { set: function(time) { if (isNaN(time)) { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:setDuration: duration is not valid"); } return; } if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:setDuration: duration=" + time); } this._duration = time; }, get: function() { return this._duration; } }, /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Media Player Commands -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Description TODO @type {Property} @default {Boolean} true */ autoplay: { enumerable: false, value: true }, /** Description TODO @function */ play: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:play()"); } this.mediaElement.play(); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ pause: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:pause()"); } this.mediaElement.pause(); } }, /** Description TODO @function @returns {Boolean} !playing (true if it is now playing) */ playPause: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:playPause"); } var playing = (this.status === this.PLAYING); this.playbackRate = this.mediaElement.defaultPlaybackRate; if (playing) { this.pause(); } else { this.play(); } return !playing; // true if it is now playing } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _playbackRate: { value: 1, enumerable: false }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} @default {Number} 1 */ playbackRate: { get: function() { return this._playbackRate; }, set: function(playbackRate) { if (this._playbackRate !== playbackRate) { this._playbackRate = playbackRate; this.mediaElement.playbackRate = this._playbackRate; } } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _currentTime: { value: 0, enumerable: false }, /** Description TODO @private */ _updateCurrentTime: { value: false, enumerable: false }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} @default {Number} 0 */ currentTime: { get: function() { return this.mediaElement.currentTime; }, set: function(currentTime) { try { if (isNaN(this.mediaElement.duration)) { logger.error("MediaController:set currentTime: duration is not valid"); return; } if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("current time:" + this.mediaElement.currentTime + " new time is" + currentTime); } this.mediaElement.currentTime = currentTime; } catch(err) { logger.error("MediaController:Exception in set currentTime" + this.mediaElement.currentTime); } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ rewind: { value: function() { if (this.status === this.PLAYING) { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:rewind"); } this.playbackRate = -4.0; } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ fastForward: { value: function() { if (this.status === this.PLAYING) { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:fastForward"); } this.playbackRate = 4.0; } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ stop: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:stop"); } // Pause the playback if (this.status === this.PLAYING) { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:stop while PLAYING: will pause"); } this.pause(); } // Reset the status this.status = this.STOPPED; } }, /** Description TODO @function */ reset: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:reset"); } if (this.status !== this.STOPPED) { this.stop(); } // Clear the movie this.mediaElement.removeAttribute('src'); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ loadMedia: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:loadMedia"); } this.mediaElement.src = this.mediaSrc; this.mediaElement.load(); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ toggleRepeat: { value: function() { this.repeat = !this.repeat; } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _repeat: { value: false, enumerable: false }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} @default {Boolean} false */ repeat: { get: function() { return this._repeat; }, set: function(repeat) { if (repeat !== this._repeat) { this._repeat = repeat; if (repeat) { this.mediaElement.setAttribute("loop", "true"); } else { this.mediaElement.removeAttribute("loop"); } this._dispatchStateChangeEvent(); } } }, /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Volume Commands -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Description TODO @type {Function} @returns {Number} this.mediaElement.volume * 100 */ volume: { get: function() { return this.mediaElement.volume * 100; }, set: function(vol) { var volume = vol; if (typeof volume === 'undefined') { volume = 50; } else if (volume > 100) { volume = 100; } else if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } this.mediaElement.volume = volume / 100.0; this._dispatchStateChangeEvent(); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ volumeIncrease: { value: function() { this.volume += 10; } }, /** Description TODO @function */ volumeDecrease: { value: function() { this.volume -= 10; } }, /** Description TODO @function */ toggleMute: { value: function() { this.mute = !this.mute; } }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ mute: { get: function() { return this.mediaElement.muted; }, set: function(muted) { if (muted !== this.mediaElement.muted) { this.mediaElement.muted = muted; } } }, /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Event Handlers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Description TODO @function @returns itself */ handleLoadedmetadata: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:handleLoadedmetadata: PLAYING=" + (this.status === this.PLAYING) + " duration=" + this.mediaElement.duration); } if (isNaN(this.mediaElement.duration)) { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:handleLoadedmetadata: duration is not valid"); } return; } this.duration = this.mediaElement.duration; if (this.autoplay) { this.play(); } else { this.status = this.PAUSED; } } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _lastCurrentTime: { writable: true, value: 0 }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleTimeupdate: { value: function() { if (this.status !== this.STOPPED) { // A last 'timeupdate' is sent after stop() which is unwanted because it restores the last position. var currentTime = this.mediaElement.currentTime; if (Math.abs(this._lastCurrentTime - currentTime) >= this._TIMEUPDATE_FREQUENCY) { this._lastCurrentTime = currentTime; Object.getPropertyDescriptor(this, "position").set.call(this, currentTime, true); } } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handlePlay: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:Play"); } this.status = this.PLAYING; } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handlePlaying: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:handlePlaying: PLAYING"); } this.status = this.PLAYING; } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handlePause: { value: function() { if (this.status !== this.STOPPED) { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:handlePause: PAUSED"); } this.status = this.PAUSED; } else { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:handlePause: STOPPED"); } } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleEnded: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:handleEnded"); } this.status = this.STOPPED; // If the mediaElement is not in the paused=true state // then it won't fire a play event when you start playing again this.mediaElement.pause(); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleAbort: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:handleAbort: STOPPED"); } this.status = this.STOPPED; } }, /** Description TODO @function @param {Event} event TODO */ handleError: { value: function(event) { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:handleError: STOPPED"); } var error = event.target.error; this.status = this.STOPPED; if (error) { switch (error.code) { case error.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED: alert("You aborted the video playback."); break; case error.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK: alert("A network error caused the video download to fail part-way."); break; case error.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE: alert("The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support."); break; case error.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED: if (this.mediaElement.src.length > 0) { alert("The video at " + this.mediaElement.src + " could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported."); } else { alert("No video has been selected."); } break; default: alert("An unknown error occurred."); break; } } this._isFullScreen = false; } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleEmptied: { value: function() { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:handleEmptied: STOPPED"); } this.status = this.STOPPED; } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _dispatchStateChangeEvent: { value: function() { var stateEvent = window.document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); stateEvent.initCustomEvent("mediaStateChange", true, true, null); this.dispatchEvent(stateEvent); } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _installControlEventHandlers: { value: function() { this.mediaElement.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', this, false); this.mediaElement.addEventListener('timeupdate', this, false); this.mediaElement.addEventListener('play', this, false); this.mediaElement.addEventListener('playing', this, false); this.mediaElement.addEventListener('pause', this, false); this.mediaElement.addEventListener('abort', this, false); this.mediaElement.addEventListener('error', this, false); this.mediaElement.addEventListener('emptied', this, false); this.mediaElement.addEventListener('ended', this, false); }, enumerable: false } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Configuration -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ });