var Montage = require("montage").Montage, FlowBezierSpline = exports.FlowBezierSpline = Montage.create(Montage, { init: { value: function() { this._densities = []; this._densitySummation = []; return this; } }, knots: { get: function () { if (!this._knots) { this._knots = []; } return this._knots; }, set: function (value) { this._knots = value; } }, previousHandlers: { get: function () { if (!this._previousHandlers) { this._previousHandlers = []; } return this._previousHandlers; }, set: function (value) { this._previousHandlers = value; } }, nextHandlers: { get: function () { if (!this._nextHandlers) { this._nextHandlers = []; } return this._nextHandlers; }, set: function (value) { this._nextHandlers = value; } }, _densities: { enumerable: false, value: null }, densities: { get: function () { return this._densities; }, set: function (value) { this._densities = value; this._densitiesLength = this._densities.length; this._densitySummation.wipe(); this._maxTime = null; } }, _parameters: { value: { rotateX: { data: [0], units: "rad" }, rotateY: { data: [0], units: "rad" }, rotateZ: { data: [0], units: "rad" }, opacity: { data: [1], units: "" } } }, parameters: { get: function () { if (!this._parameters) { this._parameters = {}; } return this._parameters; }, set: function (value) { this._parameters = value; this._parametersLength = this._parameters.length; } }, knotsLength: { get: function () { if (!this._knots) { return 0; } return this._knots.length; }, set: function () {} }, getKnot: { value: function (index) { return this._knots[index]; } }, getPreviousHandler: { value: function (index) { return this._previousHandlers[index]; } }, getNextHandler: { value: function (index) { return this._nextHandlers[index]; } }, removeKnot: { value: function (index) { this._knots.splice(index, 1); this._nextHandlers.splice(index, 1); this._previousHandlers.splice(index, 1); this._densities.splice(index, 1); } }, _maxTime: { enumerable: false, value: null }, maxTime: { get: function () { if ((this._densitySummation === null) || this._densitySummation.length) { this._computeDensitySummation(); } return this._densitySummation[this._densitySummation.length - 1]; }, set: function () {} }, _densitySummation: { enumerable: false, value: null }, _computeDensitySummation: { enumerable: false, value: function () { var densities = this.densities, length = densities.length - 1, sum = 0, i, densitySummation = this._densitySummation; densitySummation.wipe(); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { sum += (densities[i] + densities[i + 1]) / 2; densitySummation[i] = sum; } } }, getPositionAtTime: { value: function (time, position, parameters) { var p0, p1, p2, p3, a, b, c, t, y, start, _parameters = this._parameters, i, j, parameterKeys, parameterKeyCount, jParameter, jParameterData, densitySummation = this._densitySummation; position.length = 0; parameters.wipe(); if ((time >= 0) && (time < this.maxTime)) { if (this._previousIndex && (time >= densitySummation[this._previousIndex - 1])) { i = this._previousIndex; } else { i = 0; } while (time >= densitySummation[i]) { i++; } this._previousIndex = i; start = i ? densitySummation[i - 1] : 0; p0 = this._knots[i], p1 = this._nextHandlers[i], p2 = this._previousHandlers[i + 1], p3 = this._knots[i + 1], a = this._densities[i], b = this._densities[i + 1], c = a - b; if ((c < -1e-10) || (c > 1e-10)) { t = (a - Math.sqrt(a * a + (b - a) * 2 * (time - start))) / c; } else { t = (time - start) / a; } y = 1 - t; // TODO: Redo this and create getParametersAtTime or getPositionAndParametersAtTime parameterKeys = Object.keys(_parameters); parameterKeyCount = parameterKeys.length; for (j = 0; j < parameterKeyCount; j++) { jParameter = _parameters[parameterKeys[j]]; jParameterData =; if ((typeof jParameterData[i] !== "undefined") && (typeof jParameterData[i + 1] !== "undefined")) { parameters[parameterKeys[j]] = (jParameterData[i] * y + jParameterData[i + 1] * t).toFixed(5) + jParameter.units; } else { parameters[parameterKeys[j]] = jParameterData[jParameterData.length - 1].toFixed(5) + jParameter.units; } } position.push(p0[0]*(y*y*y)+p1[0]*(y*y*t*3)+p2[0]*(y*t*t*3)+p3[0]*(t*t*t)); position.push(p0[1]*(y*y*y)+p1[1]*(y*y*t*3)+p2[1]*(y*t*t*3)+p3[1]*(t*t*t)); position.push(p0[2]*(y*y*y)+p1[2]*(y*y*t*3)+p2[2]*(y*t*t*3)+p3[2]*(t*t*t)); position.push(parameters); } return position; } }, transformVectorArray: { value: function (vectors, matrix) { var length = vectors.length, out = [], iVector, i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { iVector = vectors[i]; out[i] = [ iVector[0] * matrix[0] + iVector[1] * matrix[4] + iVector[2] * matrix [8] + matrix[12], iVector[0] * matrix[1] + iVector[1] * matrix[5] + iVector[2] * matrix [9] + matrix[13], iVector[0] * matrix[2] + iVector[1] * matrix[6] + iVector[2] * matrix [10] + matrix[14] ]; } return out; } }, transform: { value: function (matrix) { var spline = Montage.create(FlowBezierSpline).init(); spline._densities = this._densities; spline._densitySummation = this._densitySummation; spline._knots = this.transformVectorArray(this.knots, matrix); spline._previousHandlers = this.transformVectorArray(this.previousHandlers, matrix); spline._nextHandlers = this.transformVectorArray(this.nextHandlers, matrix); return spline; } }, deCasteljau: { value: function (b0, b1, b2, b3, t) { var t1 = 1 - t, p1x = t1 * b0[0] + t * b1[0], p2x = t1 * b1[0] + t * b2[0], p3x = t1 * b2[0] + t * b3[0], p4x = t1 * p1x + t * p2x, p5x = t1 * p2x + t * p3x, p6x = t1 * p4x + t * p5x, p1y = t1 * b0[1] + t * b1[1], p2y = t1 * b1[1] + t * b2[1], p3y = t1 * b2[1] + t * b3[1], p4y = t1 * p1y + t * p2y, p5y = t1 * p2y + t * p3y, p6y = t1 * p4y + t * p5y, p1z = t1 * b0[2] + t * b1[2], p2z = t1 * b1[2] + t * b2[2], p3z = t1 * b2[2] + t * b3[2], p4z = t1 * p1z + t * p2z, p5z = t1 * p2z + t * p3z, p6z = t1 * p4z + t * p5z; return [ [b0, [p1x, p1y, p1z], [p4x, p4y, p4z], [p6x, p6y, p6z]], [[p6x, p6y, p6z], [p5x, p5y, p5z], [p3x, p3y, p3z], b3] ]; } }, cubic: { enumerable: false, value: function (a, b, c, d, x) { return ((a * x + b) * x + c) * x + d; } }, cubeRoot: { enumerable: false, value: function (value) { return (value > 0) ? Math.pow(value, 1/3) : -Math.pow(-value, 1/3); } }, cubicRealRoots: { enumerable: false, value: function (a, b, c, d) { var epsilon = 1e-100, math = Math; if ((a < -epsilon) || (a > epsilon)) { var dv = 1 / a, A = b * dv, B = c * dv, Q = (3 * B - A * A) * (1 / 9), R = (4.5 * A * B - 13.5 * d * dv - A * A * A) * (1 / 27), D = Q * Q * Q + R * R; if (D > epsilon) { var sqD = math.sqrt(D); return [this.cubeRoot(R + sqD) + this.cubeRoot(R - sqD) + A * (-1 / 3)]; } else { if (D > -epsilon) { if ((R < -epsilon) || (R > epsilon)) { var S = this.cubeRoot(R), r1 = S * 2 + A * (-1 / 3), r2 = A * (-1 / 3) - S; if (r1 < r2) { return [r1, r2]; } else { return [r2, r1]; } } else { return [A * (-1 / 3)]; } } else { var O = math.acos(R / math.sqrt(-Q * Q * Q)) * (1 / 3), tmp1 = math.sqrt(-Q), sinO = tmp1 * math.sin(O) * 1.7320508075688772, tmp2 = A * (-1 / 3); tmp1 *= math.cos(O); return [tmp2 - tmp1 - sinO, tmp2 - tmp1 + sinO, tmp2 + tmp1 * 2]; } } } else { if ((b < -epsilon) || (b > epsilon)) { var sq = c * c - 4 * b * d; if (sq >= 0) { sq = math.sqrt(sq); return [(-c - sq) / (2 * b), (sq - c) / (2 * b)]; } else { return []; } } else { if ((c < -epsilon) || (c > epsilon)) { return [-d / c]; } else { return []; } } } } }, _halfPI: { enumerable: false, value: Math.PI*0.5 }, reflectionMatrix: { enumerable: false, value: function (planeNormal0,planeNormal1,planeNormal2,reflectionMatrixBuffer) { var math = Math, angleZ = this._halfPI - math.atan2(planeNormal1, planeNormal0), sinAngleZ = math.sin(angleZ), cosAngleZ = math.cos(angleZ), angleX = this._halfPI - math.atan2(/*p2*/ planeNormal2, /*p1*/ planeNormal0 * sinAngleZ + planeNormal1 * cosAngleZ), sinAngleX = math.sin(angleX); reflectionMatrixBuffer[0] = sinAngleX * sinAngleZ; reflectionMatrixBuffer[1] = cosAngleZ * sinAngleX; reflectionMatrixBuffer[2] = math.cos(angleX); return reflectionMatrixBuffer; } }, reflectedY: { enumerable: false, value: function (x, y, z, matrix) { return x * matrix[0] + y * matrix[1] + z * matrix[2]; } }, planeBezierIntersection: { enumerable: false, value: function (planeOrigin, planeNormal, b0, b1, b2, b3) { var matrix = this.reflectionMatrix(planeNormal), // TODO: cache for matrix and cache for cubicRealRoots d = this.reflectedY(b0[0] - planeOrigin[0], b0[1] - planeOrigin[1], b0[2] - planeOrigin[2], matrix), r1 = this.reflectedY(b1[0] - planeOrigin[0], b1[1] - planeOrigin[1], b1[2] - planeOrigin[2], matrix), r2 = this.reflectedY(b2[0] - planeOrigin[0], b2[1] - planeOrigin[1], b2[2] - planeOrigin[2], matrix), r3 = this.reflectedY(b3[0] - planeOrigin[0], b3[1] - planeOrigin[1], b3[2] - planeOrigin[2], matrix); return this.cubicRealRoots( (r1 - r2) * 3 + r3 - d, (d + r2) * 3 - 6 * r1, (r1 - d) * 3, d ); } }, directedPlaneBezierIntersection: { enumerable: false, value: function (planeOrigin0, planeOrigin1, planeOrigin2, planeNormal, b0, b1, b2, b3, reflectionMatrixBuffer, segments) { var matrix = this.reflectionMatrix(planeNormal[0],planeNormal[1],planeNormal[2],reflectionMatrixBuffer), // TODO: cache for matrix and cache for cubicRealRoots d = this.reflectedY(b0[0] - planeOrigin0, b0[1] - planeOrigin1, b0[2] - planeOrigin2, matrix), r1 = this.reflectedY(b1[0] - planeOrigin0, b1[1] - planeOrigin1, b1[2] - planeOrigin2, matrix), r2 = this.reflectedY(b2[0] - planeOrigin0, b2[1] - planeOrigin1, b2[2] - planeOrigin2, matrix), r3 = this.reflectedY(b3[0] - planeOrigin0, b3[1] - planeOrigin1, b3[2] - planeOrigin2, matrix), a = (r1 - r2) * 3 + r3 - d, b = (d + r2) * 3 - 6 * r1, c = (r1 - d) * 3, r = this.cubicRealRoots(a, b, c, d), min, max = 0, mid, i = 0; segments.wipe(); while ((i < r.length) && (r[i] <= 0)) { i++; } while ((i < r.length) && (r[i] < 1)) { min = max; max = r[i]; mid = (min + max) * .5; if (this.cubic(a, b, c, d, mid) >= 0) { segments.push([min, max]); } i++; } mid = (max + 1) * .5; if (this.cubic(a, b, c, d, mid) >= 0) { segments.push([max, 1]); } return segments; } } });