/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ "use strict"; /** @module montage/ui/video-player @requires montage @requires montage/ui/component @requires core/logger @requires core/event/action-event-listener @requires ui/controller/media-controller */ var Montage = require("montage").Montage, Component = require("ui/component").Component, logger = require("core/logger").logger("video-player"), ActionEventListener = require("core/event/action-event-listener").ActionEventListener, MediaController = require("ui/controller/media-controller").MediaController; /** @class module:montage/ui/video-player.VideoPlayer */ var VideoPlayer = exports.VideoPlayer = Montage.create(Component,/** @lends module:montage/ui/video-player.VideoPlayer# */ { /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Constants -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** The interval in milliseconds that the control panel is displayed without interaction before being hidden. @type {number} @default 5000 */ CONTROL_SHOW_TIME: { enumerable: true, value: 5000, writable: false }, /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Element Getters -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** The DIV element used to display the play button in the media controller. @type {external:Element} @default null */ playButton: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /** The DIV element used to display the repeat button in the media controller. @type {external:Element} @default null */ repeatButton: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /** The DIV element used to display the volume level in the media controller. @type {external:Element} @default null */ volumeLevel: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /** The DIV element used to display the volume level in the media controller. @type {external:Element} @default null */ controls: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /** The DIV element used to display the in the media controller. @type {external:Element} @default null */ fullScreenPanel: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /** Description TODO @type {external:Element} @default null */ fullScreenButton: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Component References -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** The DynamicText component used to display the currently playing track's playback position. @type {module:montage/ui/dynamic-text.DynamicText} @default null */ positionText: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /* montage/ui/dynamic-text */ /** The DynamicText component used to display the currently playing track's duration. @type {module:montage/ui/dynamic-text.DynamicText} @default null */ durationText: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /* montage/ui/dynamic-text */ /** The Slider component used to control the playback position. @type {module:montage/ui/slider.Slider} @default null */ slider: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /* montage/ui/slider */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Properties -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** The MediaController instance used by the VideoPlayer. @type {module:montage/ui/controller/media-controller.MediaController} @default null */ controller: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /* montage/controller/media-controller */ /** The source URL for the video. @type {string} @default null */ src: { value: null }, /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Actions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: UI Setters -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Determines whether video controls are hidden automatically. @type {Boolean} @default true */ autoHide: { value: true }, /** Specifies whether the full screen video is supported. @type {Boolean} @default true */ supportsFullScreen: { value: true }, /** @private */ _isFullScreen: { value: false }, templateDidLoad: { value: function() { if(logger.isDebug) { logger.debug("MediaController:templateDidLoad"); } Object.defineBinding(this.positionText, "value", { boundObject: this.controller, boundObjectPropertyPath: "position", boundValueMutator: this._prettyTime }); Object.defineBinding(this.durationText, "value", { boundObject: this.controller, boundObjectPropertyPath: "duration", boundValueMutator: this._prettyTime }); Object.defineBinding(this.slider, "maxValue", { boundObject: this.controller, boundObjectPropertyPath: "duration", boundValueMutator: this._roundTime, oneWay: false }); } }, /** @private */ _prettyTime: { value: function(time) { var sec, min, hour; time = parseInt(time, 10); if (isNaN(time) || time < 0) return ""; sec = time % 60; min = Math.floor(time / 60) % 60; hour = Math.floor(time / 3600); return (hour > 0 ? hour + ":" : "") + (min < 10 ? "0"+min : min) + ":" + (sec < 10 ? "0"+sec : sec); } }, /** @private */ _roundTime: { value: function(time) { return (time < 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(time)); } }, /** Description TODO @function @private */ handleMediaStateChange: { value: function() { this.needsDraw = true; } }, /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK: Interaction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Description TODO @private */ _showControls: { value: true, enumerable: false }, /** Description TODO @private */ _hideControlsId: { value: null, enumerable: false }, /** Description TODO @function @private */ handleMouseup: { value: function() { this.showControlsForInterval(); } }, /** Description TODO @function @private */ handleTouchend: { value: function() { this.showControlsForInterval(); } }, /** Displays the video player controlls for the interval specified by the CONTROL_SHOW_TIME property. @function */ showControlsForInterval: { value: function() { this._showControls = true; this.needsDraw = true; var self = this; var hideControls = function() { self._showControls = false; self._hideControlsId = null; self.needsDraw = true; } if (this._hideControlsId) { window.clearTimeout(this._hideControlsId); } this._hideControlsId = window.setTimeout(hideControls, this.CONTROL_SHOW_TIME); } }, /** Toggles full-screen playback mode. @function */ toggleFullScreen: { value: function() { if (this.supportsFullScreen) { this._isFullScreen = !this._isFullScreen; this.needsDraw = true; } } }, /** @private */ _installMediaEventListeners: { value: function() { this.controller.addEventListener("mediaStateChange", this, false); } }, /** @private */ _installUserActionDetector: { value: function() { if (window.touch && this.autoHide) { this.element.addEventListener("touchstart", this, false); } else if (this.autoHide) { this.element.addEventListener("mouseup", this, false); } } }, /** @private */ prepareForDraw: { value: function() { this._installUserActionDetector(); this.controller._installControlEventHandlers(); this._installMediaEventListeners(); if (!this.autoHide) { this.element.style.paddingBottom = "50px"; } } }, /** @private */ draw: { value: function() { var volumeWidth; // Handle loading if (this.controller.status === this.controller.EMPTY) { this.controller.loadMedia(); } else { // Handle playing if (this.controller.status === this.controller.PLAYING) { if (!this.playButton.classList.contains('playing')) { this.playButton.classList.add('playing'); } } else { if (this.playButton.classList.contains('playing')) { this.playButton.classList.remove('playing'); } } if (this.volumeLevel) { volumeWidth = Math.floor(this.controller.volume); this.volumeLevel.style.width = volumeWidth + "%"; } if (this.controller.repeat) { if (!this.repeatButton.classList.contains("loop")) { this.repeatButton.classList.add("loop"); } } else { if (this.repeatButton.classList.contains("loop")) { this.repeatButton.classList.remove("loop"); } } if (this._showControls) { this.controls.classList.remove("hide-controls"); this.controls.classList.add("show-controls"); } else { this.controls.classList.remove("show-controls"); this.controls.classList.add("hide-controls"); } if (this.supportsFullScreen) { this.fullScreenPanel.classList.add("support-fullscreen"); this.fullScreenPanel.classList.remove("hide-fullscreen"); if (!this._isFullScreen) { this.fullScreenButton.classList.add("enter-fullscreen"); this.fullScreenButton.classList.remove("exit-fullscreen"); this.element.classList.remove("fullscreen"); } else { this.fullScreenButton.classList.add("exit-fullscreen"); this.fullScreenButton.classList.remove("enter-fullscreen"); this.element.classList.add("fullscreen"); } } else { this.fullScreenPanel.classList.remove("support-fullscreen"); this.fullScreenPanel.classList.add("hide-fullscreen"); this.element.classList.remove("fullscreen"); } } } } });