/** * @author Pacien TRAN-GIRARD * @author Timothée FLOURE */ public final class Seam { /** * Find the best predecessors between {@code from} and {@code to} using Dijkstra's algorithm * * @param successors adjacency list for all vertices * @param costs weight for all vertices * @param from first vertex * @return best predecessor of each vertex */ private static int[] findBestPredecessors(int[][] successors, float[] costs, int from) { int nbVertices = successors.length; float distances[] = new float[nbVertices]; int bestPredecessors[] = new int[nbVertices]; for (int v = 0; v < nbVertices; ++v) { distances[v] = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; bestPredecessors[v] = -1; } distances[from] = costs[from]; boolean modified = true; while (modified) { modified = false; for (int v = 0; v < nbVertices; ++v) for (int n : successors[v]) if (distances[n] > distances[v] + costs[n]) { distances[n] = distances[v] + costs[n]; bestPredecessors[n] = v; modified = true; } } return bestPredecessors; } /** * Build the vertical predecessors graph of a matrix, plus an entry and an exit vertex * * @param width width of the matrix * @param height height of the matrix * @return an oriented predecessors graph of the size (width * height + 2) */ private static int[][] buildPredecessorsGraph(int width, int height) { int matrixSize = width * height; int[][] graph = new int[matrixSize + 2][]; for (int row = 0; row < height - 1; ++row) { int shift = (row + 1) * width; graph[row * height] = new int[]{ shift, shift + 1, }; graph[row * height + (width - 1)] = new int[]{ shift + (width - 2), shift + (width - 1), }; for (int col = 1; col < width - 1; ++col) graph[row * height + col] = new int[]{ shift + (col - 1), shift + (col), shift + (col + 1), }; } graph[(matrixSize)] = new int[width]; for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) graph[matrixSize][col] = col; graph[matrixSize + 1] = new int[0]; for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) graph[(height - 1) * width + col] = new int[]{matrixSize + 1}; return graph; } /** * Build a sequence of vertex costs from a cost matrix, with nil-cost entry and exit vertices * * @param energy the cost matrix * @return a sequence of costs of the size (width * height + 2) */ private static float[] buildVerticesCostSequence(float[][] energy) { int width = energy[0].length; int height = energy.length; int matrixSize = width * height; float[] costs = new float[matrixSize + 2]; for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) costs[row * width + col] = energy[row][col]; costs[matrixSize] = 0; costs[matrixSize + 1] = 0; return costs; } /** * Compute shortest path between {@code from} and {@code to} * * @param successors adjacency list for all vertices * @param costs weight for all vertices * @param from first vertex * @param to last vertex * @return a sequence of vertices, or {@code null} if no path exists */ public static int[] path(int[][] successors, float[] costs, int from, int to) { int[] bestPredecessors = Seam.findBestPredecessors(successors, costs, from); int count = 0; // we could have used a Deque, but we could not have returned an int[]; CC Pr. Odersky int predecessor = -1, newPredecessor = to; while (newPredecessor > -1) { predecessor = newPredecessor; newPredecessor = bestPredecessors[newPredecessor]; ++count; } if (predecessor != from) return null; // "no way!" int[] path = new int[count]; path[count - 1] = to; for (int v = count - 2; v >= 0; --v) path[v] = bestPredecessors[path[v + 1]]; return path; } /** * Find best seam * * @param energy weight for all pixels * @return a sequence of x-coordinates (the y-coordinate is the index) */ public static int[] find(float[][] energy) { int width = energy[0].length; int height = energy.length; int matrixSize = width * height; int[][] predecessors = Seam.buildPredecessorsGraph(width, height); float[] costs = Seam.buildVerticesCostSequence(energy); int[] path = Seam.path(predecessors, costs, matrixSize, matrixSize + 1); if (path == null) return null; int[] coordinates = new int[path.length - 2]; // ignore added beginning and ending vertices for (int x = 0; x < path.length - 2; ++x) coordinates[x] = path[x + 1] - x * width; // retrieve the y-coordinate return coordinates; } /** * Draw a seam on an image * * @param image original image * @param seam a seam on this image * @return a new image with the seam in blue */ public static int[][] merge(int[][] image, int[] seam) { // Copy image int width = image[0].length; int height = image.length; int[][] copy = new int[height][width]; for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) copy[row][col] = image[row][col]; // Paint seam in blue for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) copy[row][seam[row]] = 0x0000ff; return copy; } /** * Remove specified seam * * @param image original image * @param seam a seam on this image * @return the new image (width is decreased by 1) */ public static int[][] shrink(int[][] image, int[] seam) { int width = image[0].length; int height = image.length; int[][] result = new int[height][width - 1]; for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < seam[row]; ++col) result[row][col] = image[row][col]; for (int col = seam[row] + 1; col < width; ++col) result[row][col - 1] = image[row][col]; } return result; } }