# tickwatch # Author: Euxane TRAN-GIRARD # Licence: EUPL-1.2 import std/sequtils import std/strutils import std/random import std/os import std/net import std/nativesockets import std/posix import std/times import std/monotimes type ICMPPacket = object ## https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc792 ## https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4443#section-4.1 typ: uint8 code: uint8 checksum: uint16 ident: uint16 seqNum: uint16 payload: string IPv6PseudoHeader = object ## https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2460#section-8.1 source: IpAddress dest: IpAddress length: uint32 next: uint8 const ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST = 8u8 ICMP_ECHO_REPLY = 0u8 ICMPv6_ECHO_REQUEST = 128u8 ICMPv6_ECHO_REPLY = 129u8 ICMP_IPv4_HEADER_LENGTH = 20 RANDOM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 32 ICMP_PACKET_BASE_LENGTH = 8 DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = initDuration(seconds = 1) func pack16(n: uint16): array[2, uint8] = cast[array[2, uint8]](nativesockets.htons(n)) func pack32(n: uint32): array[4, uint8] = cast[array[4, uint8]](nativesockets.htonl(n)) func unpack16(a: array[2, uint8]): uint16 = nativesockets.ntohs(cast[uint16](a)) func unpack32(a: array[4, uint8]): uint32 = nativesockets.ntohl(cast[uint32](a)) func pack(p: ICMPPacket): seq[uint8] = result = newSeqOfCap[uint8](ICMP_PACKET_BASE_LENGTH + p.payload.len) result.add p.typ result.add p.code result.add p.checksum.pack16 result.add p.ident.pack16 result.add p.seqNum.pack16 result.add cast[seq[uint8]](p.payload) func unpackICMPPacket(a: openArray[uint8]): ICMPPacket = result.typ = a[0] result.code = a[1] result.checksum = [a[2], a[3]].unpack16 result.ident = [a[4], a[5]].unpack16 result.seqNum = [a[6], a[7]].unpack16 result.payload = cast[string](a[8..^1]) func pack(h: IPv6PseudoHeader): seq[uint8] = result = newSeqOfCap[uint8](40) result.add h.source.address_v6 result.add h.dest.address_v6 result.add h.length.pack32 result.add [0u8, 0, 0] result.add h.next func checksum(a: openArray[uint8]): uint16 = ## https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1071 var sum = 0u32 for i in countup(0, a.len - 1, 2): sum += uint32(a[i]) shl 8 if i + 1 < a.len: sum += uint32(a[i + 1]) while (sum shr 16) != 0: sum = (sum and 0xFFFF) + (sum shr 16) not uint16(sum) func icmpV6Header(source, dest: IpAddress, length: int): IPv6PseudoHeader = IPv6PseudoHeader( source: source, dest: dest, length: length.uint32, next: posix.IPPROTO_ICMPv6.uint8, ) func buildEchoRequest( source, dest: IpAddress, ident, seqNum: uint16, payload: string = "", ): ICMPPacket = result = ICMPPacket(ident: ident, seqNum: seqNum, payload: payload) case dest.family: of IPv6: result.typ = ICMPv6_ECHO_REQUEST let packedICMP = result.pack let pseudoHeader = icmpV6Header(source, dest, packedICMP.len).pack result.checksum = checksum(pseudoHeader & packedICMP) of IPv4: result.typ = ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST result.checksum = checksum(result.pack) func validateChecksum(packet: ICMPPacket, source, dest: IpAddress): bool = var sourcePacket = packet sourcePacket.checksum = 0 case packet.typ: of ICMPv6_ECHO_REPLY: let packedICMP = sourcePacket.pack let pseudoHeader = icmpV6Header(source, dest, packedICMP.len).pack packet.checksum == checksum(pseudoHeader & packedICMP) of ICMP_ECHO_REPLY: packet.checksum == checksum(sourcePacket.pack) else: false func domainProtocol(family: IpAddressFamily): (Domain, Protocol) = case family: of IPv6: (AF_INET6, IPPROTO_ICMPv6) of IPv4: (AF_INET, IPPROTO_ICMP) func icmpReplyType(family: IpAddressFamily): uint8 = case family: of IPv6: ICMPv6_ECHO_REPLY of IPv4: ICMP_ECHO_REPLY func stripIPHeader(family: IpAddressFamily, buffer: seq[uint8]): seq[uint8] = case family: of IPv6: buffer of IPv4: buffer[min(ICMP_IPv4_HEADER_LENGTH, buffer.len)..^1] func toTimeval(d: Duration): Timeval = let uSecs = d.inMicroseconds Timeval( tv_sec: posix.Time(uSecs div (1000 * 1000)), tv_usec: posix.Suseconds(uSecs mod (1000 * 1000)), ) proc setTimeout(sock: Socket, opt: cint, timeout: Duration) = let timeVal = timeout.toTimeval let timeValLen = sizeof(timeVal).SockLen if sock.getFd().setSockOpt(SOL_SOCKET, opt, timeVal.addr, timeValLen) < 0: raiseOsError osLastError() proc receiveReply(sock: Socket, timeout: Duration): seq[uint8] = var buffer: string var ipAddr: IpAddress var port: Port sock.setTimeout(SO_RCVTIMEO, timeout) discard sock.recvFrom(buffer, 1024, ipAddr, port) stripIPHeader(ipAddr.family, cast[seq[uint8]](buffer)) func toIpAddress(info: ptr AddrInfo): IpAddress = case info.ai_family: of posix.AF_INET6: let sockAddr = cast[ptr posix.SockAddr_in6](info.ai_addr)[] IpAddress( family: IPv6, address_v6: cast[array[0..15, uint8]](sockAddr.sin6_addr.s6_addr), ) of posix.AF_INET: let sockAddr = cast[ptr posix.SockAddr_in](info.ai_addr)[] IpAddress( family: IPv4, address_v4: cast[array[0..3, uint8]](sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr), ) else: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid address info") func splitDomainHostname(target: string): (Domain, string) = let parts = target.split('/', 1) case parts[0]: of "6": (AF_INET6, parts[1]) of "4": (AF_INET, parts[1]) else: (AF_UNSPEC, target) proc resolve*(target: string): IpAddress = try: parseIpAddress(target) except ValueError: let (domain, hostname) = splitDomainHostname(target) let addrInfo = getAddrInfo(hostname, Port 0, domain) defer: freeAddrInfo(addrInfo) addrInfo.toIpAddress type PingMonitor = ref object socket: Socket target: IpAddress source: IpAddress ident: uint16 payload: string seqNum: uint16 proc procIdent*(): uint16 = uint16(getCurrentProcessId() and 0xFFFF) proc initPingMonitor*(target: IpAddress, ident: uint16): PingMonitor = let (domain, proto) = target.family.domainProtocol PingMonitor( socket: newSocket(domain, SOCK_RAW, proto), target: target, ident: ident, ) proc buildEchoRequest(mon: PingMonitor): ICMPPacket = mon.source = getPrimaryIPAddr(dest=mon.target) buildEchoRequest(mon.source, mon.target, mon.ident, mon.seqNum, mon.payload) proc sendEchoRequest(mon: PingMonitor, timeout: Duration) = try: let echoRequest = mon.buildEchoRequest mon.socket.setTimeout(SO_SNDTIMEO, timeout) mon.socket.sendTo(mon.target, Port 0, cast[string](echoRequest.pack)) except CatchableError: discard func validateICMPReply(mon: PingMonitor, packet: ICMPPacket): bool = packet.typ == icmpReplyType(mon.target.family) and packet.ident == mon.ident and packet.seqNum == mon.seqNum and packet.payload == mon.payload and packet.validateChecksum(mon.target, mon.source) proc tryReceiveReply(mon: PingMonitor, timeout: Duration): bool = try: let data = mon.socket.receiveReply(timeout) if data.len < ICMP_PACKET_BASE_LENGTH: return false let unpacked = unpackICMPPacket(data) mon.validateICMPReply(unpacked) except CatchableError: false proc genRandomPayload(length = RANDOM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH): string = newSeqWith(length, char.rand).join proc ping*(mon: PingMonitor, timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): Duration = let startTime = getMonoTime() let replyDeadline = startTime + timeout inc mon.seqNum mon.payload = genRandomPayload() mon.sendEchoRequest(timeout) while true: let receiveTimeout = replyDeadline - getMonoTime() if receiveTimeout <= DurationZero: break if mon.tryReceiveReply(receiveTimeout): return getMonoTime() - startTime raise newException(TimeoutError, "Ping timeout") when defined(test): import std/unittest suite "ping": test "pack/unpack endianness": check pack16(256) == [1u8, 0] check unpack16([1u8, 0]) == 256 check pack32(256) == [0u8, 0, 1, 0] check unpack32([0u8, 0, 1, 0]) == 256 test "pack/unpack ICMP packet": let packet = ICMPPacket( typ: 1, code: 2, checksum: 3, ident: 4, seqNum: 5, payload: cast[string](@[6u8, 7]), ) let packed = pack(packet) check packed == [1u8, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5, 6, 7] check unpackICMPPacket(packed) == packet test "pack IPv6 pseudo-header": let pseudoHeader = IPv6PseudoHeader( source: parseIpAddress("::1"), dest: parseIpAddress("::2"), length: 1234, next: 123, ) check pseudoHeader.pack == [ 0u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 4, 210, 0, 0, 0, 123, ] test "packet checksum": # numeric example from https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1071 let exampleBytes = [0x00u8, 0x01, 0xf2, 0x03, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7] check checksum(exampleBytes) == not 0xddf2u16 test "ping localhost": for target in ["", "::1"]: let targetIp = parseIpAddress(target) let mon = try: initPingMonitor(targetIp, procIdent()) except OSError: skip() # ping requires raw socket permission break discard mon.ping()