-- UGE / L2 / Intro to relational databases / Python project prototype -- Author: Pacien TRAN-GIRARD -- Licence: EUPL-1.2 -- Fetch a user account by its username. -- -- :name fetch_account -- :result :one-or-none select * from accounts where username = :username; -- Create a new user account with the given username and hashed password. -- -- :name create_account -- :result :one-or-none insert into accounts (username, password_hash) values (:username, :password_hash) returning *; -- Fetch all the transactions involving a given user. -- The returned transaction log contains the usernames of the involved parties. -- The sign of the amount column is adjusted to the perspective of the user, -- so that its sum equals the balance of their account. -- -- :name fetch_transactions -- :result :many select transactions.id, datetime, operation, account_sources.username as source, account_recipients.username as recipient, case when source = :user_id then -amount else amount end as amount from transactions left join accounts as account_sources on account_sources.id = source left join accounts as account_recipients on account_recipients.id = recipient where source = :user_id or recipient = :user_id order by datetime desc, operation; -- Deposit the specified amount to the account of the specified user and -- generate a matching transaction log entry. -- -- This query should be executed within a transaction with the serializable -- isolation level. -- -- :name deposit -- :result :one update accounts set balance = balance + :amount where id = :user_id; insert into transactions (operation, recipient, amount) values ('deposit', :user_id, :amount) returning *; -- Withdraw the specified amount from the account of the specified user and -- generate a matching transaction log entry. -- -- This query should be executed within a transaction with the serializable -- isolation level. -- -- :name withdraw -- :result :one update accounts set balance = balance - :amount where id = :user_id; insert into transactions (operation, source, amount) values ('withdrawal', :user_id, :amount) returning *; -- Transfer the specified amound from the account of a sender to the one of a -- recipient, generating matching transaction log entries for the transfer -- itself and the transfer fee if any is applicable. -- -- This query should be executed within a transaction with the serializable -- isolation level. -- -- :name transfer -- :result :one update accounts set balance = balance - :amount - :fee where id = :from_user_id; update accounts set balance = balance + :amount where id = :to_user_id; insert into transactions (operation, source, amount) select 'fee', :from_user_id, :fee where cast(:fee as simoleon) > 0; insert into transactions (operation, source, recipient, amount) values ('transfer', :from_user_id, :to_user_id, :amount) returning *;