From db32f9a00bc9934071ab066ce567592bc897b694 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adam NAILI Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2018 20:04:14 +0200 Subject: Updating documentation --- | 17 ++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index d2b66ae..1391508 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ let program_of_string str = let lex = Str.split (Str.regexp "[\t\n(),]+") str in List.iter (fun s -> print_string s; print_newline ()) lex; program_of_lex lex +(*Creates a pointer of instruction from an urm command list*) let instptr_mk urmcmd_list = let rec aux urmcmd_list count acc = match urmcmd_list with @@ -48,14 +49,17 @@ let instptr_mk urmcmd_list = | instruction::reste -> aux reste (count + 1) ((count,instruction)::acc) in InstPtr([],rev (aux urmcmd_list 0 [])) +(*Moves the pointer to the previous instruction*) let instptr_move_up = function | InstPtr([],list2)-> InstPtr([],list2) | InstPtr(instr::list1,list2) -> InstPtr(list1, instr::list2) +(*Moves the pointer to the next instruction*) let instptr_move_down = function | InstPtr(list1,[])-> InstPtr(list1,[]) | InstPtr(list1,instr::list2) -> InstPtr(instr::list1, list2) +(*Returns the couple from the current pointer position : (line,instruction) where instruction is an urm command or fails if there is no instruction pointed*) let instptr_get = function | InstPtr(list1,(l,Zero(a))::tail)-> (l,Zero(a)) | InstPtr(list1,(l,Succ(a))::tail) -> (l,Succ(a)) @@ -63,6 +67,7 @@ let instptr_get = function | InstPtr(list1,(l,Jump(a,b,c))::tail) -> (l,Jump(a,b,c)) | InstPtr(_,[])-> failwith "No instruction left" +(*Converts the current instruction pointed into a string (line and instruction formatted). If there is no instruction, returns "null"*) let instptr_string instptr = let aux = function | l,Zero(a) -> (string_of_int l)^": Zero "^(string_of_int a) @@ -72,11 +77,12 @@ let instptr_string instptr = in try aux (instptr_get instptr) with | _ -> "null" +(*Returns true if the instruction pointer is not pointing on any instruction (end of the instruction list)*) let instptr_end = function | InstPtr(_,[]) -> true | _ -> false -(*Jump ne marche pas dans le cas ou il jump trop loin après la fin*) +(*Returns the pointer of instruction after a jump decided by the given offset*) let rec instptr_jump ptr offset = if offset = 0 then ptr else if offset > 0 then instptr_jump (instptr_move_up ptr) (offset-1) @@ -87,15 +93,22 @@ let reg_idx (Reg(idx, _)) = idx let reg_val (Reg(_, value)) = value +(*Compares two registers. Returns -1 if reg1 is lower than reg2, 1 if it is greater than reg2 or 0 if both are equals.*) let reg_compar reg1 reg2 = (reg_val reg1) - (reg_val reg2) +(*Returns the value contained in the specified register in a register list*) let regs_get reglist idx = List.find (fun (Reg(x,v)) -> x=idx) reglist |> reg_val +(*Set the value of the register to value, or creates it to the value specified if it does not exist*) let regs_set reglist index value = Reg(index,value)::(List.filter (fun (Reg(x,v))-> x!=index) reglist) +(*Gives a new urm by moving down its instruction pointer*) let urm_move_down urm = {instptr = (instptr_move_down urm.instptr); regs = urm.regs} + (*TODO: Verifier pour JUMP que a et b sont deux registres initialisés*) + +(*Applies the current instruction pointed by the pointer of instruction. Modifies the pointer of instruction for every instruction*) let urm_apply urm = let aux = function | _,Zero(a) -> {instptr = urm.instptr ; regs = regs_set (urm.regs) a 0} |> urm_move_down @@ -106,8 +119,10 @@ let urm_apply urm = | _,_-> {instptr = urm.instptr; regs = urm.regs} |> urm_move_down in if instptr_end urm.instptr then urm else aux (instptr_get urm.instptr) +(*Launches the URM*) let rec urm_run = function | {instptr = InstPtr(_,[]); regs = reg_list } -> reg_list | urm -> urm_apply urm |> urm_run +(*Creates an URM from a command list and a register list*) let urm_mk cmd_list reg_list = {instptr = (instptr_mk cmd_list) ; regs = reg_list} -- cgit v1.2.3