from collections import Counter import webbrowser import pygal import numpy as np import pygeoip from wikibania.ban.BanDB import BanDB from wikibania.ban.BanDBWrapper import BanDBWrapper import sysproxy # PARAMS GEOIP_DB = "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat" BAN_MAP_FILE = "output/ban-map.svg" BAN_DURATION_MAP_FILE = "output/ban-duration-map.svg" HIST_FILE = "output/histogram.svg" STATS_FILE = "output/stats.txt" BAN_DB_FILE = "resources/ban_list.json" FETCH_SAMPLES = 2000 FETCH_DB = False DUMP_DB = False LOAD_DB = False OPEN_FILES = False # SETUP sysproxy.configure_system_proxy() geoip_looker = pygeoip.GeoIP(GEOIP_DB) ban_db = BanDB(geoip_looker) if FETCH_DB: ban_db.fetch(FETCH_SAMPLES) if LOAD_DB: ban_db.load_file(BAN_DB_FILE) if DUMP_DB: ban_db.dump_file(BAN_DB_FILE) ban_db_wrapper = BanDBWrapper(ban_db) # HISTOGRAM ban_durations = ban_db_wrapper.get_all_durations() duration_bins = [round(365 / 12 * x) for x in range(1, 50 + 2)] (ban_durations_bars, bins) = np.histogram(ban_durations, bins=duration_bins) bar_chart = pygal.Bar(legend_at_bottom=True) bar_chart.title = "Active Wikipedia bans by duration (%d samples)" % len(ban_db.list()) bar_chart.x_labels = map(str, range(1, len(ban_durations_bars) + 1)) bar_chart.add("Number of active bans", ban_durations_bars) bar_chart.render_to_file(HIST_FILE) if OPEN_FILES:, 2) # BAN DURATION STATS with open(STATS_FILE, "w") as stats_file: stats_file.write("Mean: %.2f days\n" % np.mean(ban_durations)) stats_file.write("Median: %.2f days\n" % np.median(ban_durations)) stats_file.write("Deviation: %.2f\n" % np.std(ban_durations)) stats_file.write("Variance: %.2f\n" % np.var(ban_durations)) if OPEN_FILES:, 2) # NB BAN MAP country_ban_list = ban_db_wrapper.get_all_countries() nb_bans_by_country = Counter(country_ban_list) worldmap_chart = pygal.Worldmap(legend_at_bottom=True) worldmap_chart.title = "World active Wikipedia bans by country (%d samples)" % len(ban_db.list()) worldmap_chart.add("Active bans", nb_bans_by_country) worldmap_chart.render_to_file(BAN_MAP_FILE) if OPEN_FILES:, 2) # BAN DURATION MAP average_ban_duration_by_country = ban_db_wrapper.calc_average_duration_by_country() worldmap_chart = pygal.Worldmap(legend_at_bottom=True) worldmap_chart.title = "Average Wikipedia ban duration by country (%d samples)" % len(ban_db.list()) worldmap_chart.add("Average ban duration (months)", average_ban_duration_by_country) worldmap_chart.render_to_file(BAN_DURATION_MAP_FILE) if OPEN_FILES:, 2)