Coding conventions ================== This document contains some syntactic and code format conventions for the current project and should be used as a reference to enhance code uniformity. Formatting ---------- Sources are formatted as defined in the `EPFL-PPO.xml` Eclipse format file. Members ordering ---------------- Class (static) members are placed before object members. In each group, attributes are placed before methods. Constructors are the first methods, and overridden parent methods the last ones. Object/Class reference ---------------------- Methods and attributes are referenced using `this` for the current class, and by their class name for static ones. Static imports are avoided, except for JUnit tests. Redundant type/scope -------------------- Use of the diamond notation is encouraged to avoid redundancy. Unnecessary scope modifiers are avoided (ex: `public` in interfaces). Unnecessary brackets -------------------- Unnecessary brackets in one to two line statements are avoided to simplify the reading of the control flow.