A static gallery generator which turns a collection of tagged pictures and media into a searchable web gallery.
The complete list of features, the user manual, demo and download links can be found on the project's website: https://ldgallery.pacien.org.
Usage and build (using the Nix Flake)
This program is available as a Nix Flake allowing to build both the viewer and compiler components and assemble those automatically.
The following commands are available on NixOS, or a Linux or MacOS system having the Nix package manager installed:
Just running the program (compiler with bundled viewer):
- Using the latest release:
nix run github:ldgallery/ldgallery -- --help
- Using a local source checkout:
nix run .# -- --help
- Using the latest release:
Building individual components locally:
nix build .#{compiler,viewer,man} --print-build-logs
Manual build
Without using the Nix Flake, the project can be built as follows:
- Compile the web viewer as detailed in
. - Copy/link the compiled viewer to the ldgallery compiler data directory.
- Compile the ldgallery compiler as detailed in
The man pages can be generated using Pandoc:
pandoc --standalone --to man ldgallery-quickstart.7.md --output ldgallery-quickstart.7
pandoc --standalone --to man compiler/ldgallery.1.md --output ldgallery.1
pandoc --standalone --to man viewer/ldgallery-viewer.7.md --output ldgallery-viewer.7
Copyright and license
Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Pacien TRAN-GIRARD and Guillaume FOUET.
ldgallery is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero
General Public License v3.0, as detailed in license.md
Builds of this software embed and make use of the following libraries:
- Compiler (Hackage packages)
- base, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- containers, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- data-ordlist, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- filepath, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- directory, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- text, licensed under the BSD-2-Clause License
- aeson, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- yaml, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- cmdargs, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- parallel-io, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- Glob, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- safe, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- time, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- process, licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License
- Viewer (npm packages)
- fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core, licensed under the MIT License
- fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons, licensed under the MIT License
- fortawesome/vue-fontawesome, licensed under the MIT License
- vueuse/core, licensed under the MIT License
- core-js, licensed under the MIT License
- Epub.js, licensed under the BSD-2-Clause License
- hammerjs, licensed under the MIT License
- marked, licensed under the MIT License
- mosha-vue-toastify, licensed under the MIT License
- pinia, licensed under the MIT License
- v-lazy-image, licensed under the MIT License
- vue, licensed under the MIT License
- vue-dragscroll, licensed under the MIT License
- vue-i18n, licensed under the MIT License
- vue-router, licensed under the MIT License