path: root/point/libs/js-yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'point/libs/js-yaml')
1 files changed, 880 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/point/libs/js-yaml/js-yaml.min.js b/point/libs/js-yaml/js-yaml.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd05e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/point/libs/js-yaml/js-yaml.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
1/* js-yaml 3.0.2 https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml */
2!function (e) {
3 "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : "undefined" != typeof window ? window.jsyaml = e() : "undefined" != typeof global ? global.jsyaml = e() : "undefined" != typeof self && (self.jsyaml = e())
4}(function () {
5 return function e(t, r, n) {
6 function a(c, o) {
7 if (!r[c]) {
8 if (!t[c]) {
9 var s = "function" == typeof require && require;
10 if (!o && s)return s(c, !0);
11 if (i)return i(c, !0);
12 throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + c + "'")
13 }
14 var l = r[c] = {exports: {}};
15 t[c][0].call(l.exports, function (e) {
16 var r = t[c][1][e];
17 return a(r ? r : e)
18 }, l, l.exports, e, t, r, n)
19 }
20 return r[c].exports
21 }
23 for (var i = "function" == typeof require && require, c = 0; c < n.length; c++)a(n[c]);
24 return a
25 }({1: [function (e, t) {
26 "use strict";
27 var r = e("./lib/js-yaml.js");
28 t.exports = r
29 }, {"./lib/js-yaml.js": 2}], 2: [function (e, t) {
30 "use strict";
31 function r(e) {
32 return function () {
33 throw new Error("Function " + e + " is deprecated and cannot be used.")
34 }
35 }
37 var n = e("./js-yaml/loader"), a = e("./js-yaml/dumper");
38 t.exports.Type = e("./js-yaml/type"), t.exports.Schema = e("./js-yaml/schema"), t.exports.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA = e("./js-yaml/schema/failsafe"), t.exports.JSON_SCHEMA = e("./js-yaml/schema/json"), t.exports.CORE_SCHEMA = e("./js-yaml/schema/core"), t.exports.DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA = e("./js-yaml/schema/default_safe"), t.exports.DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA = e("./js-yaml/schema/default_full"), t.exports.load = n.load, t.exports.loadAll = n.loadAll, t.exports.safeLoad = n.safeLoad, t.exports.safeLoadAll = n.safeLoadAll, t.exports.dump = a.dump, t.exports.safeDump = a.safeDump, t.exports.YAMLException = e("./js-yaml/exception"), t.exports.MINIMAL_SCHEMA = e("./js-yaml/schema/failsafe"), t.exports.SAFE_SCHEMA = e("./js-yaml/schema/default_safe"), t.exports.DEFAULT_SCHEMA = e("./js-yaml/schema/default_full"), t.exports.scan = r("scan"), t.exports.parse = r("parse"), t.exports.compose = r("compose"), t.exports.addConstructor = r("addConstructor")
39 }, {"./js-yaml/dumper": 4, "./js-yaml/exception": 5, "./js-yaml/loader": 6, "./js-yaml/schema": 8, "./js-yaml/schema/core": 9, "./js-yaml/schema/default_full": 10, "./js-yaml/schema/default_safe": 11, "./js-yaml/schema/failsafe": 12, "./js-yaml/schema/json": 13, "./js-yaml/type": 14}], 3: [function (e, t) {
40 "use strict";
41 function r(e) {
42 return void 0 === e || null === e
43 }
45 function n(e) {
46 return"object" == typeof e && null !== e
47 }
49 function a(e) {
50 return Array.isArray(e) ? e : r(e) ? [] : [e]
51 }
53 function i(e, t) {
54 var r, n, a, i;
55 if (t)for (i = Object.keys(t), r = 0, n = i.length; n > r; r += 1)a = i[r], e[a] = t[a];
56 return e
57 }
59 function c(e, t) {
60 var r, n = "";
61 for (r = 0; t > r; r += 1)n += e;
62 return n
63 }
65 t.exports.isNothing = r, t.exports.isObject = n, t.exports.toArray = a, t.exports.repeat = c, t.exports.extend = i
66 }, {}], 4: [function (e, t) {
67 "use strict";
68 function r(e, t) {
69 var r, n, a, i, c, o, s;
70 if (null === t)return{};
71 for (r = {}, n = Object.keys(t), a = 0, i = n.length; i > a; a += 1)c = n[a], o = String(t[c]), "!!" === c.slice(0, 2) && (c = "tag:yaml.org,2002:" + c.slice(2)), s = e.compiledTypeMap[c], s && b.call(s.dumpStyleAliases, o) && (o = s.dumpStyleAliases[o]), r[c] = o;
72 return r
73 }
75 function n(e) {
76 var t, r, n;
77 if (t = e.toString(16).toUpperCase(), 255 >= e)r = "x", n = 2; else if (65535 >= e)r = "u", n = 4; else {
78 if (!(4294967295 >= e))throw new y("code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF");
79 r = "U", n = 8
80 }
81 return"\\" + r + g.repeat("0", n - t.length) + t
82 }
84 function a(e) {
85 this.schema = e.schema || x, this.indent = Math.max(1, e.indent || 2), this.skipInvalid = e.skipInvalid || !1, this.flowLevel = g.isNothing(e.flowLevel) ? -1 : e.flowLevel, this.styleMap = r(this.schema, e.styles || null), this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit, this.explicitTypes = this.schema.compiledExplicit, this.tag = null, this.result = ""
86 }
88 function i(e, t) {
89 return"\n" + g.repeat(" ", e.indent * t)
90 }
92 function c(e, t) {
93 var r, n, a;
94 for (r = 0, n = e.implicitTypes.length; n > r; r += 1)if (a = e.implicitTypes[r], a.loadResolver && a.loadResolver({result: t}))return!0;
95 return!1
96 }
98 function o(e, t) {
99 var r, a, i, o, s, l;
100 for (e.dump = "", r = !1, a = 0, l = t.charCodeAt(0) || 0, -1 !== G.indexOf(t) ? r = !0 : 0 === t.length ? r = !0 : S === l || S === t.charCodeAt(t.length - 1) ? r = !0 : (N === l || K === l) && (r = !0), i = 0, o = t.length; o > i; i += 1)s = t.charCodeAt(i), r || (w === s || C === s || j === s || M === s || D === s || Y === s || U === s || B === s || O === s || F === s || L === s || I === s || H === s || _ === s || R === s || k === s || E === s || P === s || T === s || q === s) && (r = !0), ($[s] || !(s >= 32 && 126 >= s || 133 === s || s >= 160 && 55295 >= s || s >= 57344 && 65533 >= s || s >= 65536 && 1114111 >= s)) && (e.dump += t.slice(a, i), e.dump += $[s] || n(s), a = i + 1, r = !0);
101 i > a && (e.dump += t.slice(a, i)), !r && c(e, e.dump) && (r = !0), r && (e.dump = '"' + e.dump + '"')
102 }
104 function s(e, t, r) {
105 var n, a, i = "", c = e.tag;
106 for (n = 0, a = r.length; a > n; n += 1)f(e, t, r[n], !1, !1) && (0 !== n && (i += ", "), i += e.dump);
107 e.tag = c, e.dump = "[" + i + "]"
108 }
110 function l(e, t, r, n) {
111 var a, c, o = "", s = e.tag;
112 for (a = 0, c = r.length; c > a; a += 1)f(e, t + 1, r[a], !0, !0) && (n && 0 === a || (o += i(e, t)), o += "- " + e.dump);
113 e.tag = s, e.dump = o || "[]"
114 }
116 function u(e, t, r) {
117 var n, a, i, c, o, s = "", l = e.tag, u = Object.keys(r);
118 for (n = 0, a = u.length; a > n; n += 1)o = "", 0 !== n && (o += ", "), i = u[n], c = r[i], f(e, t, i, !1, !1) && (e.dump.length > 1024 && (o += "? "), o += e.dump + ": ", f(e, t, c, !1, !1) && (o += e.dump, s += o));
119 e.tag = l, e.dump = "{" + s + "}"
120 }
122 function p(e, t, r, n) {
123 var a, c, o, s, l, u, p = "", h = e.tag, d = Object.keys(r);
124 for (a = 0, c = d.length; c > a; a += 1)u = "", n && 0 === a || (u += i(e, t)), o = d[a], s = r[o], f(e, t + 1, o, !0, !0) && (l = null !== e.tag && "?" !== e.tag || e.dump && e.dump.length > 1024, l && (u += e.dump && C === e.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? "?" : "? "), u += e.dump, l && (u += i(e, t)), f(e, t + 1, s, !0, l) && (u += e.dump && C === e.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? ":" : ": ", u += e.dump, p += u));
125 e.tag = h, e.dump = p || "{}"
126 }
128 function h(e, t, r) {
129 var n, a, i, c, o, s;
130 for (a = r ? e.explicitTypes : e.implicitTypes, i = 0, c = a.length; c > i; i += 1)if (o = a[i], (o.dumpInstanceOf || o.dumpPredicate) && (!o.dumpInstanceOf || "object" == typeof t && t instanceof o.dumpInstanceOf) && (!o.dumpPredicate || o.dumpPredicate(t))) {
131 if (e.tag = r ? o.tag : "?", o.dumpRepresenter) {
132 if (s = e.styleMap[o.tag] || o.dumpDefaultStyle, "[object Function]" === A.call(o.dumpRepresenter))n = o.dumpRepresenter(t, s); else {
133 if (!b.call(o.dumpRepresenter, s))throw new y("!<" + o.tag + '> tag resolver accepts not "' + s + '" style');
134 n = o.dumpRepresenter[s](t, s)
135 }
136 e.dump = n
137 }
138 return!0
139 }
140 return!1
141 }
143 function f(e, t, r, n, a) {
144 e.tag = null, e.dump = r, h(e, r, !1) || h(e, r, !0);
145 var i = A.call(e.dump);
146 if (n && (n = 0 > e.flowLevel || e.flowLevel > t), (null !== e.tag && "?" !== e.tag || 2 !== e.indent && t > 0) && (a = !1), "[object Object]" === i)n && 0 !== Object.keys(e.dump).length ? p(e, t, e.dump, a) : u(e, t, e.dump); else if ("[object Array]" === i)n && 0 !== e.dump.length ? l(e, t, e.dump, a) : s(e, t, e.dump); else {
147 if ("[object String]" !== i) {
148 if (e.skipInvalid)return!1;
149 throw new y("unacceptabe kind of an object to dump " + i)
150 }
151 "?" !== e.tag && o(e, e.dump)
152 }
153 return null !== e.tag && "?" !== e.tag && (e.dump = "!<" + e.tag + "> " + e.dump), !0
154 }
156 function d(e, t) {
157 t = t || {};
158 var r = new a(t);
159 return f(r, 0, e, !0, !0) ? r.dump + "\n" : ""
160 }
162 function m(e, t) {
163 return d(e, g.extend({schema: v}, t))
164 }
166 var g = e("./common"), y = e("./exception"), x = e("./schema/default_full"), v = e("./schema/default_safe"), A = Object.prototype.toString, b = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, w = 9, C = 10, j = 13, S = 32, I = 33, k = 34, O = 35, E = 37, F = 38, R = 39, L = 42, M = 44, N = 45, T = 58, _ = 62, K = 63, P = 64, D = 91, Y = 93, q = 96, U = 123, H = 124, B = 125, $ = {};
167 $[0] = "\\0", $[7] = "\\a", $[8] = "\\b", $[9] = "\\t", $[10] = "\\n", $[11] = "\\v", $[12] = "\\f", $[13] = "\\r", $[27] = "\\e", $[34] = '\\"', $[92] = "\\\\", $[133] = "\\N", $[160] = "\\_", $[8232] = "\\L", $[8233] = "\\P";
168 var G = ["y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "on", "On", "ON", "n", "N", "no", "No", "NO", "off", "Off", "OFF"];
169 t.exports.dump = d, t.exports.safeDump = m
170 }, {"./common": 3, "./exception": 5, "./schema/default_full": 10, "./schema/default_safe": 11}], 5: [function (e, t) {
171 "use strict";
172 function r(e, t) {
173 this.name = "YAMLException", this.reason = e, this.mark = t, this.message = this.toString(!1)
174 }
176 r.prototype.toString = function (e) {
177 var t;
178 return t = "JS-YAML: " + (this.reason || "(unknown reason)"), !e && this.mark && (t += " " + this.mark.toString()), t
179 }, t.exports = r
180 }, {}], 6: [function (e, t) {
181 "use strict";
182 function r(e, t) {
183 this.input = e, this.filename = t.filename || null, this.schema = t.schema || M, this.strict = t.strict || !1, this.legacy = t.legacy || !1, this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit, this.typeMap = this.schema.compiledTypeMap, this.length = e.length, this.position = 0, this.line = 0, this.lineStart = 0, this.lineIndent = 0, this.character = e.charCodeAt(0)
184 }
186 function n(e, t) {
187 return new F(t, new R(e.filename, e.input, e.position, e.line, e.position - e.lineStart))
188 }
190 function a(e, t) {
191 throw n(e, t)
192 }
194 function i(e, t) {
195 var r = n(e, t);
196 if (e.strict)throw r;
197 console.warn(r.toString())
198 }
200 function c(e, t, r, n) {
201 var i, c, o, s;
202 if (r > t) {
203 if (s = e.input.slice(t, r),