BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterAdd a success indication at the end of the scriptPacien TRAN-GIRARD9 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2015-08-15Add a success indication at the end of the scriptHEADmasterPacien TRAN-GIRARD
2015-08-14Stop the execution of the script on error (completing commit 4d6b397)Pacien TRAN-GIRARD
2015-08-14Preserve previous install-recovery.sh script evaluationPacien TRAN-GIRARD
2015-08-14Remove an unnecessary step (SuperSU redundant APK installation)Pacien TRAN-GIRARD
2015-08-14Stop the execution of the script on errorPacien TRAN-GIRARD
2015-08-13Reduce ambiguity on the unzipping phase even morePacien TRAN-GIRARD
2015-08-13Reduce ambiguity on the archive decompressionPacien TRAN-GIRARD
2015-08-13First (working) versionPacien TRAN-GIRARD